Thursday, May 10, 2007

OK, it is that time again---I hate fund-raising by nature but it is something we have to do for some of these pro-life organizations

The Walk for Life funds one of my good friends in the work and she is very careful with every nickle and dime--she works with the Legislature in Texas to safeguard our rights which are constantly under attack such as the right to die issues being debated the next week in Austin.

It is so easy--just tell me the amount and your name and address and phone number and they will send you a reminder for payment later.

Please help me exercise and serve a greater good by helping you fund a wonderful pro-life organization--again one of my favorites. No amount is too big or too small.

And while we are raising awareness---love those wonderful wives and mothers of your children dearly and hold them near with special times this lovely weekend. And pray your HOPE bead for the Vinzant family. Lewis turns 22 on Friday and we start the weekend with a tremendous brisket--the best ever thanks to the BBQ for Life---you go GUYS--you ROCK!!!

Jan will be surprising Lewis at the diner party and staying the whole weekend so we can treat her to a special Mother's Day Weekend--maybe we will bump into some of you over the weekend .

God bless and call in those pledges so i can turn them in eh.

Your brother in Christ,


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